Scrivi una storia Send us a story, either orally through a recorded audio of a few minutes, or in written form, even anonymously if you prefer. You have complete freedom; the only requirement is that it must be a true story. It can be cheerful, dramatic, sad, funny, or hold deep significance for you.



 Read a story Here, you have the opportunity to read or listen to the stories we've gathered. They are of various types, with different tones—light-hearted, dramatic, reflective—but all united by the fact that they are stories that are somehow important to those who have experienced and shared them. They are stories that have had some significance in the lives of those who wanted to share them with us. READ



Ascolta le storie vere della SardegnaThe true stories of Sardinia, in audio format, will thus become part of the true stories of the Mediterranean and will gradually be part of a dedicated podcast available here on our web platform but will also be accessible through the most well-known podcast channels. LISTEN




 Partecipa agli eventi Join the events for collecting the true stories of Sardinia. Subscribe to the mailing list and social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram, and you'll know where and how the evenings dedicated to readings and collections of new and unpublished personal stories, never heard before, will take place.